Under the endorsement of the Director board of Hanoi Second Education and Social labour center, Wellbeing have been having free classes for the children in the Ward for disadvantages children, with the purpose of supporting the children, giving them the motivation to live and faith in life.
Classes organized:
– Physical education class: Wellbeing brings a teacher to teach 20 children from 13 to 18 to play basketball, badmington, football and other physical activities to help them improve their health.
– English class : Wellbeing brings foreign teachers to the center to teach the children English in 4 skills: listening – reading – writing – speaking, to allow them to study English as other kids at their age
– Reproductive health class : Wellbeing organizes a class to equip the children with the knowledge and information on reproductive health, changes of bodies, etc…, in hope that the students will be able to take care and protect themselves in the future.